A non-profit organization focused on afforestation.

A non-profit organization focused on afforestation.

Let’s Take One Tree.

Perhaps it’s the one in your front yard.
Or the one outside your office.
And consider its impact.

  • Trees absorb and filter rainfall as it reaches lakes, rivers, and streams to naturally remove toxins that are to people. Increased forest cover reduces the expense of drinking water filtration and protects a balanced ecosystem for fish and wildlife.

  • Growing forests can protect and promote biodiversity of plants and animals, improve soil health, and produce farming opportunities.

  • Trees are nature’s carbon removal system. A mature tree can absorb 48 pounds of carbon annually. Given that deforestation has factored into climate change, bringing trees back to where they existed 50 years ago or longer is a valuable reset.


Today, Ghana alone is home to only 10 percent of its natural tree population.


A devastating impact, hundreds of years in the making.

That natural destabilization is a common challenge for too many countries across the continent. We now find ourselves squarely in the age of climate instability that not only causes harm to our people and our planet. We find ourselves burdened by the impacts of a disrupted environment that compounds the cycle of extreme poverty.  

Our goal is to not only replenish the planet but also reduce extreme poverty in local communities and support biodiversity in building a green economy.


Join the movement for a climate forward Africa today.